Sunday, November 14, 2010

Diary of a Fab Stylist -- Vicky Secret Fashion Show Finale!

Earlier in the week we showed you some images from the Victoria Secret fashion show and man were they stunning!! I can't wait till the show airs on November 30th, I swear its like my fave part of winter aside from Christmas and New Years oh yea and presents! Every year I perform the same ritual as I watch the Vicky Secret show, and it goes like this; in my mind I put my face on the models bodies pretending to be walking the coveted runway! LOL, crazy? Perhaps but it's my life so don't judge! Then I get depressed because the thought of not eating carbs for a month to get my body to look like theirs is alarming and when I'm done watching I try to do a 1,000 sit-ups to try and imitate their hot bods, however I give up around the 200 sit-up mark and go eat ice cream :). As much as the show makes me envious I love all the pieces and it truly highlights my day. The video below is a teaser of the finale and they look like they are having so much fun!! I apologize if I ruined the show for you but I'm sure you'll get over it, enjoy :)!



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